April Speaker meeting:Climate Emergency
APRIL 24, 2024 on Zoom 1:30 to 3:30 - All Welcome!
Meeting video is below
1:30 Welcomes and Introductions
Featured Panel of Speakers followed by Q&A and Discussion
- Bonnie Borucki, Transition Berkeley - Butterflies, Bees, Gardens and more
- Cheryl Davila, former Berkeley Councilmember, and founder of Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force (CEMTF)
- Helen Ojha, CEO, Sumatics - Rising Tides and Toxics at the Bay's Edge
Q&A, and discusssion
3PM Gray Panther Reports and Action Alerts, Community Announcements as time permits
Public Speaker Meetings are regular gatherings on the Fourth Wednesday of most months, mostly on Zoom
Gray Panthers East Bay has small in-person SOCIAL TIME once a month.
Call Co-Convenor Carol Crooks 510-712-4668 for more details
(long video below includes Cheryl speaking on this topic, on behalf of the Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force)
(short video from Bonnie Borucki of Transition Berkeley, making an appeal a few years ago)
Chat Transcript:
01:12:26 Raines (Aging In Community) In Berkeley, CA: East Bay Housing Organizations: https://www.ebho.org/
01:13:15 Nancy Stevens: Reacted to "East Bay Housing Org…" with 👍
01:13:17 Raines (Aging In Community) In Berkeley, CA: Affordable Housing Month in the East Bay: https://ebho.org/our-work/affordable-housing-month/
01:13:25 Nancy Stevens: Reacted to "Affordable Housing M…" with ❤️
01:14:15 Nancy Stevens: This is an incredible group!
01:14:52 Cheryl Davila Former Councilmember, Founder CEMTF: May is also Mental Health Month!
01:17:34 Raines (Aging In Community) In Berkeley, CA: Transition Berkeley: https://www.transitionberkeley.org
01:21:06 Raines (Aging In Community) In Berkeley, CA: Sogorea Te Land Trust: https://sogoreate-landtrust.org
01:22:29 Raines (Aging In Community) In Berkeley, CA: Bee City: https://beecityusa.org
01:22:53 Norma J F Harrison: you know we
01:23:03 Norma J F Harrison: we're not seeing slides
01:25:24 Cheryl Davila Former Councilmember, Founder CEMTF: George Florence Park on 10th Street too!
01:25:32 Norma J F Harrison: This is beautiful - the basis of our survival - and continuing enjoyment of Earth
01:25:52 Raines (Aging In Community) In Berkeley, CA: UC Gill Tract Community Farm: https://www.gilltractfarm.org
01:26:28 Raines (Aging In Community) In Berkeley, CA: Peralta Community Garden, an Ecology Center project: https://ecologycenter.org/directory/directory-entries/peralta-community-garden/
01:26:36 Nancy Stevens: Reacted to "This is beautiful - …" with ❤️
01:28:00 Norma J F Harrison: I have to leave for the doctor in 15 mins. Please save the whole chat for me.
01:29:06 Betsy Morris, EBGP co-convenor: [email protected]
01:29:15 Raines (Aging In Community) In Berkeley, CA: Transition Berkeley https://www.TransitionBerkeley.org/
01:29:56 Norma J F Harrison: I re-sent the original sign-on message - the succeeding ones became complicating - sign -on to this meeting
01:33:21 Norma J F Harrison: If anyone in range of your presentation is able to try to overcome the leaf 'curling' on my newly leafing 'apricot[ tree - I've dosed it with that 'copper' pesticide but the curling is continuing - please contact me normaha
01:33:42 Betsy Morris, EBGP co-convenor: Joy Moore master gardner started that garden!
01:34:22 Norma J F Harrison: [email protected] 510 847 0309
01:34:50 Betsy Morris, EBGP co-convenor: MARIA YOURE NEXT
01:36:20 Nancy Stevens: Berkeley Buy Nothing Facebook community group should be very interested in your work
01:37:45 maria sol: Please Teach about
(W/out That Nothing
Will Grow!!!)
01:39:14 Norma J F Harrison: I have a PBS disc 'Sympony of Soil' - a huge beauty - - for your use see info above
01:40:59 Raines (Aging In Community) In Berkeley, CA: Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force (CEMTF): https://www.cemtf.org
01:42:01 Nancy Stevens: Powerhouse!!
01:42:08 Nancy Stevens: 👏👏👏
01:49:07 Bonnie Borucki: Thank you Cheryl for this important work and for pointing out the recordings on the website.
01:57:29 Bonnie Borucki: The speaker you were trying to think of was Yuka Nagashima from Food Shift
01:57:31 Cheryl Davila, Former Councilmember, Founder CEMTF: CEMTF.org/ Mobilize Berkeley/ Voices Against Violence/ Berkeley Equity Summit Alliance/ Network of Elected Officials & Staff (NEOS)/ Interfaith Council of Alameda County/ Friends of Adeline/ KPFA Local Station Board
01:58:48 Bonnie Borucki: Foodshift.net
01:58:59 Cheryl Davila, Former Councilmember, Founder CEMTF: [email protected]
02:06:11 Cheryl Davila, Former Councilmember, Founder CEMTF: Thank you Bonnie! I'm so bad with names....
02:06:30 Nancy Stevens: Congratulations Ms Cecilia!
02:07:36 Cheryl Davila, Former Councilmember, Founder CEMTF: Ms. Cecilia...congrats!
02:09:14 Nancy Stevens: 💐 🌼 🌹 🌸 🌺 🪻 🌷
02:23:50 Betsy Morris, EBGP co-convenor: Like Pacific Steel.
02:31:11 Cheryl Davila, Former Councilmember, Founder CEMTF: CEMTF.org, join us July,19th for Climate & Biodiversity 9A-Noon
02:32:28 Nancy Stevens: Reacted to "CEMTF.org, join us J…" with 👍
02:42:42 Bonnie Borucki: Thank you Helen, have you given this presentation to local city councils?
02:44:36 maria sol: I have Doctors Appt...
Gotta Go...
02:46:15 Nancy Stevens: Wishing you all an incredible event collaborating with ILR! Awsomeness!
02:46:57 Nancy Stevens: Wish I could be there with you all, but I’ll be with you in the spirit of Enough is Enough!
02:48:30 Nancy Stevens: There is $10 million in current funding given by fed to DOR to ILRC, $5000 per person and $7000 for transitioning out of nursing homes! Spread the word!
02:48:33 Bonnie Boruki: Where is the best place to get this flyer or link to share?
02:49:45 Nancy Stevens: That money doesn’t have enough people to help get that money out, so in 7 months if it’s not granted to individuals, it will go right back to govt when that program expires!!
02:50:49 Helen Ojha: Replying to "Thank you Helen, hav..."
Hi Bonnie — I have just put this together for Jovanka Beckles and her team.
02:56:09 Nancy Stevens: Nancy Stevens. AB 2075
02:56:47 Raines (Aging In Community) In Berkeley, CA: CANHR on AB 2075: https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcanhrlegislation.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2024%2F03%2FAB-2075_CANHR_fact_sheet.pdf&urp=gmail_link
02:57:41 Nancy Stevens: https://www.ab2075.com/
02:58:34 Bonnie Boruki: Reacted to "CANHR on AB 2075: ht…" with ❤️
02:59:16 Nancy Stevens: Reacted to "CANHR on AB 2075: ht…" with 🙌
02:59:29 Nancy Stevens: Reacted to "CANHR on AB 2075: ht…" with ❤️
03:01:21 Raines (Aging In Community) In Berkeley, CA: Donate to Gray Panthers of Berkeley and the East Bay at https://www.EastBayGrayPanthers.org/
03:01:33 Nancy Stevens: Replying to "Nancy Stevens. AB 20…"
Thanks everyone! Looking forward to rallying together with the Gray Panthers
03:02:41 Cheryl Davila, Former Councilmember, Founder CEMTF: ENSURE safe passage fo the US Boats to Gaza https://bit.ly/FreedomFlotilla2024
03:03:04 Raines (Aging In Community) In Berkeley, CA: RSVP for the EBGP social in person in west berkeley (near the old Homemade Cafe), second Wednesday of May: https://www.eastbaygraypanthers.org/members_in_person_social_20240508
03:03:11 Nancy Stevens: I want to hang out with you, and say hi at your get together. You all are such a cool bunch!
03:04:02 Raines (Aging In Community) In Berkeley, CA: May speaker meeting May 25 features our own Betsy on Social Housing, lesson from Europe. Beat the rush and RSVP today: https://www.eastbaygraypanthers.org/speaker_meeting_20240522
03:05:08 Bonnie Boruki: Thanks Betsy and Raines. What a great meeting. I will see you soon and hope to promote your next meeting. Bye