June Speaker Meeting:No Country for Old People
The June East Bay Gray Panthers Speaker Meeting!
Purely virtual - from your home via Zoom. We don't have a recording but here are links to what we discussed.
THE LONG-TERM HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IS ON LIFE SUPPORT. MORE THAN TWO MILLION CASES OF ELDER ABUSE AND NEGLECT ARE REPORTED EVERY YEAR. I am just one of the millions who had absolutely no idea how broken and corrupt the nursing home system truly is until I attempted to navigate it.
-- Susie Singer Carter, filmmaker

No Country for Old People is a feature length documentary that pulls the curtain back on the nursing home/long-term care industry to reveal a decades old systemic crisis that has been enabled by the nation’s pervasive ageism and ableism.
For over 50 years, care for our most vulnerable has stealthily turned into a cutthroat world of private equity and real estate investment trust-backed nursing homes. To put it bluntly: follow the money. There is a lot.
No Country for Old People chronicles the last harrowing 6 months of my mother’s life in a 5-star nursing home in Los Angeles in 2022 and features powerful testimonials from caregivers, residents, and frontline providers [and] illuminating interviews from the most respected experts on Medicare, Medicaid, Hospice ... to understand where, why, how these abuses happen, and what can be done. Unfortunately, my experience is not at all unique. I am just one of the millions who had absolutely no idea how broken and corrupt the nursing home system truly is until I attempted to navigate it.
Speaker Meetings are regular gatherings on the Fourth Wednesday of most months. We focus on special topics with guest speakers as well as highlighting Gray Panther and partner activities
For many Berkeley events of interest, see Kelly Hammargren's Activist Diary in the Berkeley Daily Planet, at https://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/ - click Current Issue for the latest updates.
Currently the Monthly Meeting and Board Meetings are by zoom or phone-in but we are scheduling occasional outdoor and safe in-person gatherings in 2024!
Get in touch with any questions: 510-842-6224 voice or text
Speaker Meeting - January 26, 2022
East Bay Gray Panthers
General Meeting
January 26, 2022
Start time: 13:30
Betsy Morris
Judy Jackson
Raines Cohen
Angeles Gottheil
Pamela Price (guest speaker)
Carol Crooks
Robert Magarian
Daveed Mandel
Nancy Stevens
Nancy Scott
Marcia Kimmell
Rivka Polatnick
Adrianne Aron
Sylvia Chapman
Michael Ruchlis
Norma JF Harrison
Maria Sol
Helen Walsh
Tiombe Kambon
Tony Chapelle
Ms. Richie Smith
Michai Freeman
Arlene Hip
Carole Marasovic
Pamela Price (guest speaker)
What does D.A. do?
D.A. is elected and does not report to A.G., county supervisors, or any other body
40%+ of employee's in Alameda county court system worked at DA office - big link between offices
From beginning to end the D.A. is at the center of the decisions that get made in our criminal justice system - What types of crimes are going to be prioritized?
- Are we going to have alternative courts and restorative justice opportunities?
- D.A. also advocates at the state level, supporting or opposing legislation
Grand jury of Alameda County
- Anyone can file a claim
- Main role is to monitor the behavior of county officials, misuse of funds, etc.
- Staffed by D.A. office or county council
211 system - Helen Walsh
- Is the D.A. going to address accessibility of information in this age of the digital divide?
- Pamela - create interdisciplinary commissions to bring together people from the community to talk about the specific issues that we can work on in Alameda County
What can D.A. do to create access to land and housing?
- Pamela - Tell police to not destroy people's property or evict people from the places where they find sanctuary
- We have all this vacant land in Oakland - we are not going to incarcerate people because they are unhoused
- Overcome and cut through bureaucratic obstacles
- Safe vehicle parking (Betsy)
Nancy Stevens - calling in from a nursing facility where she gets the constant medical care that she needs
- What power does D.A. have to address staffing shortages at nursing facilities?
- Pamela - D.A. has the mandate to regulate these facilities in compliance with the law
- There is an opportunity for D.A. to put the resources that are available into the enforcement of the law
- essentialcaregiverscoalition.org
Probate court - NAACP, Berkeley chapter member
Nancy O'Malley started to bring forward grand jury but stalled
Need to hold grand jury to determine if there is mistreatment of Black/POC community in probate court
It's peoples bread and butter and no one currently wants to "cut off their bread"
Pamela - thinks he covered it very well -
Mr. Powell had to pay 750K to save his home
South Berkeley member - Lives near the Here/There camp site
- Member of Friends of Adeline
- Carol Morosovic (bad connection, couldn't take notes)
- Michai Freeman (bad connection, couldn't take notes)
- Regarding safety for people living in their vehicles- they're being stalked by police and residents and ticketed regularly
D.A. does have power to influence how people living in their vehicles are treated