Website (Nation Builder) updates and discussion:
- Update splash page - upcoming speaker meeting, out of date?
- font is small - make bigger
- Member actions
- Which pages can they update?
- Campaign blog pages?
- Calendar - adding events
- User actions
- can anyone be allowed to post to a blog page, even if they are not a member?
- can users subscribe?
- create specific blog pages for Issues/Campaigns
- digest - with links
- email people according to interests
- New Permission sets?
- need to upgrade/pay for more permission sets
- Staff and Admin are current sets
- Supporter v. Prospect (Nation Builder categories)
- supporter means they've given us their email and are willing to receive messages
- "Join"
- Member - our current version, lowest cost subscription doesn't have
- list of membership fees and expirations - handles renewals of dues, emailing members to renew
- right now we have to track their membership separately, payment by payment
- Finance page
- can see transactions
- can manually enter expenses
- supporter means they've given us their email and are willing to receive messages
- Website updates
- Participate - move subpages Join, Volunteer, Get In Touch underneath
- Join - add questions about their interests, indicating what our issue areas
- which of these issues affects you the most now?
- what specific issues are you involved in? blank box
- best contact method and times to contact you personally? is it okay to call you on the phone or do you prefer email or text?
- accessibility needs
- add link to Membership form somewhere after they Join - revisit/redraft, and post it on the website for people to fill out
- create new Form page on website, redirected after they Join
- get email or flag when a new member Joins (Betsy asks for this!!)
- Join - add questions about their interests, indicating what our issue areas
- Meeting Notes - move under Events
- add recordings links
- use Tags to call out issues and link to notes in Newsletter/Digest
- add past annotated Meeting Notes and Invitations
- e.g. CANHR California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform lawyers and founder have spoken to Gray Panthers many times
- CANHR is a Resource, Partner, and part of Campaigns
- Resources v. Partners v. Issues
- Resources - across campaigns and some general resources
- static information
- affordable housing, mental health resources (211 sucks)
- where is the best information possible?
- connects to calendar
- Tag Resources and Calendar events with Issue/Campaign Tags
- Active v. potential campaigns
- Resources - across campaigns and some general resources
- Directory under Partners is automatically created based on Tags
- Raines - build database with Tags
- different Directories for different categories
- Participate - move subpages Join, Volunteer, Get In Touch underneath
- Hannah
- Doesn't intend to be an admin
- LTS for All campaign liaison
- Do you want to be able to add calendar items? Blog posts? not for now
- Issues tab
Issues v. Campaign v. Partnership - create new pages?
- Issues (higher level) >> Campaigns (sub-campaigns) - sometimes there are no active campaigns under issues
- Issues
- Health
- Housing
- homeless rights
- housing access
- decommodify land
- Transportation
- specifically for older adults and persons with disabilities
- Daveed needs to name a campaign
- David Blake is liaison for Public Voices for Transportation, focuses on getting bond measures
- David Blake - Pan-Disability Coalition ??? - ask David
- Disability Rights
- not necessarily ADA compliance enforcer
- Campaigns - membership endorses each campaign, has a liaison, limited in scope (with specific goals, timeline, actions); how do we define a campaign and when do we know it's active?
- Healthcare for All
- Healthcare for All Californians
- there's a coalition
- legislation pending
- Medicare for All
Long-term Support Services (LTSS) for All
- New page describing issues (Hannah could edit) - coming from grassroots rather than professional level
- Link to calendar with events
- Relatively new organization, everybody in the coalition has their own website
- 3-parts
- IHSS Time for 20
- Long-term Social Insurance Program
- Build Back Better - in Congress, House passed, trying to get Senate to agree
Nursing Home Accountability
- CANHR is a Resource, Partner, and part of Campaigns
- National Gray Panthers nursing home campaign
- SF chapter communicates with Betsy
- we are part of Senior Housing Subcommittee - one of members wrote a gray paper
- Disability Rights - no campaign, issue area
- Disability Rights California
- Senior Disability Action
- Hand to Hand Domestic Employers Network
- Bill in Congress that would decrease the cost of insulin
- part of National Council of Gray Panthers Network
- Healthcare for All Californians
- Housing for All
Save Coyote Bush Collective Garden - formally request endorsement as active campaign
- AG becomes liaison
- add to blog
- post events
- Partners
- Landless Peoples Alliance
- Daveed supports
- mental health
- Betsy gets emails about mental health events
- link to someone else's page
- invite guest experts or guest activists to use blog space
- Friends of Adeline
- Wood St. Commons
- Landless Peoples Alliance
Save Coyote Bush Collective Garden - formally request endorsement as active campaign
- Transportation
- Daveed can write a blog on transportation
- Healthcare for All
- Partners
- CARA - partner on all levels
- there are some campaigns they're not as active on
- EBGP is a member of CARA - due-paying
- meeting Tuesdays
- lobby days
- senior get out the vote
- USOAC - haven't paid dues since the first year
- Association Members - change/edit to Membership or Organizational Memberships (maybe include $ annual fee)
- attend their regular meetings and join their campaigns when appropriate
- pay dues
- provide trainings usually
- Gray Panthers chapters
- Gray Panthers Portland
- anti-gun campaign
- wants to boycott Walmart
- not an active issue or campaign, but can add referrals to other Panther chapters
- link to list of all Gray Panthers chapters - Randy from National Council may have this
- Gray Panthers Portland
- CARA - partner on all levels
- Issues
- About
- add long history
- principles - discuss in board meeting - HEALTH is our core main focus related to all issues
- anti-racist - define as a group
- anti-agist
- anti-ableist
- anti-capitalist
- intersectionality
- feminist
- democratic
- organizational goals - talk with board and membership
- housing
- de-commodification of land
- rent-free housing
- disability rights - get specific
- equal rights - get specific
- housing
- add Articles, Bylaws, 501(c)(3) letter, code of conduct
- add Code of Conduct under Meetings/Events page
- edit content in About page to include Issues list - links to campaigns
- Campaigns (new high level page) - subpages for each campaign
- Resources
- we don't have a newsletter because we don't have a newsletter editor
- include links to events and just include headlines
- used to be monthly newsletter and monthly flyers with announcements
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