The issues we focus on as members of the East Bay Gray Panthers relate to our goal to foster support for the elderly members of our society, through actions that bring youth and age together.
Members of the Gray Panthers of the East Bay participate and advocate for the following issue through specific related Campaigns.
Long-term Support Services For All (LTSS for All)
Our members have experience with inadequate support services and we advocate with their help to improve access for all in need of long-term support services, including the following programs:
- LTSS insurance program
- Build Back Better
- Time for 20 (HIH campaign)
Housing for All
Everyone has a right to housing. As signatories of the Declaration of the Rights of Landless People, we recognize the local shelter crises in many cities across the SF Bay Area and California. We also recognize people's rights to seek housing and strive to advocate for more accessibility, much more affordability, and more inclusivity in our local housing options.
Public Transit
Our members advocate more greater accessibility in public transit and other transit options for the elderly.
Local Participation
Local Elections
You can participate by attending one of our upcoming Speaker Meetings.
You can also join our mailing list to get updates.
Please reach out if you want to volunteer, or simply send us a message!
Angeles Gottheil published Speaker Meeting - April 27, 2022 in Speaker Meetings 2022-05-04 14:03:01 -0700
Speaker Meeting - April 27, 2022
AGENDA (Notes below)
1:30 Opening Welcome
Agenda Headlines and Action Alerts
1:50 Featured Speakers
Faye Wilson Kennedy (Sacramento) and Nell Myhand (Oakland) are quad leaders of the California Poor People's Campaign. They will share parts of a program they presented to the PPC's Policy Working Group on the intersection of race, disability, and other impacted groups with the climate emergency, including indigenous peoples contingent of the PPC. We will also hear ways to join the Poor People's March on Washington.
Q&A and Discussion to follow
2:50 Angeles Gottheil of IDevData.org and Bay Area Landless Peoples Alliance will discuss efforts in Oakland to reclaim long vacant land for deep green rent-free housing communities and the campaign to buy back Coyote Bush, an abandoned lot she and others have stewarded with community gardens, rent free tiny homes and a neighborhood mutual aid network.
They built tiny houses on an abandoned lot. Then it was sold ...
Campaign Updates and Requests for Endorsements SEE MORE DETAILS BELOW
Time for $20 - LTSS4All Coalition with SEIU 2015 - Hannah Karpilow
Essential Caregivers Campaign - Nancy Stevens
Cap Insulin Now - Call your senators
Affordable Insulin Now!
Call your Senators on the Capitol Switchboard at 1-202-224-3121
ask them to support and vote YES on Senate Bill S3700
the House bill already passed earlier this month.
Upcoming Meetings & Other Announcements
ADJOURN 3:30 PM - Continue social time to 4pm
RSVP to receive the zoom link and reminders.
For now all public meetings are on zoom, but we are experimenting with in board and voting member meetings in person.
Get in touch with any questions, call Betsy or Raines at 510-842-6224 voice or text
MORE INFO and LINKS for April
Save the Planet by Ending White Supremacy - Sierra Club Director of Organizational Transformation says we can't afford "disposable places, or disposable people"
What Does Climate Justice in California Look Like? https://insideclimatenews.org/news/20042022/california-climate-justice/
Looks like California can’t reach its climate targets without prioritizing equity.
Affordable Insulin Now Act -- Call to Cap the Cost of Insulin - endorsed by National Council of Gray Panther Networks
Call your Senators on the Capitol Switchboard at 1-202-224-3121
ask them to support and vote YES on Senate Bill S3700
the House bill already passed earlier this month.
Talking Points: * The prescription price of insulin has doubled in just four years.
*No one should have to choose between getting insulin and putting food on the table.
* S. 3700 would cap insurance co-pays at $35/month, and make this life saving drug, more affordable to many more people with diabetes.
* Vote YES on S. 3700, the Affordable Insulin Now Act. Make your voice heard!
Call your Senators on the Capitol Switchboard: Call our US Senators Feinstein and Padlile at the Capitol Switchboard 1-202-224-3121.
May speaker meeting tentatively - Mental Health and Community-oriented Policing featuring Paul Kealah Blake, long-time mental health outreach and advocate, and member of the Berkeley Homeless Commission. Updates on Affordable Housing debates
June Speaker Meeting, moderated with Daveed Mandell, on Coalitions for Transit Justice, Paratransit, AC Transit Board elections and more.
Ongoing reports from the National Council of Gray Panthers, Senior Housing Subcommittee.
UPCOMING EVENTS: MAY IS EAST BAY AFFORDABLE HOUSING MONTH with many events organized by East Bay Housing Organization (EBGP is a member).
MAY 4 IS EBHO'S Kickoff event!
This year, you can join the event by gathering in person OR online. At our in-person gathering, we'll share food and drink and jam to music from DJ Wild Man. The event programming will showcase the amazing events scheduled throughout our East Bay Affordable Housing Month and honor this year's Affordable Housing Month Honorees. We want to see you! RSVP for the online gathering or get your tickets for the in-person gathering today.
Angeles was disconnected for the first 10 minutes
Carol Crooks
- SB 3700
- Insulin price cap
- prescription price of insulin has doubled in the past 4 years. People are cutting back because they can't afford it.
- Bill would cap copays at $35/month
- CALL switchboard 202-224-3121
- 202-224-3121 Capitol Switchboard - please call in support of Senate bill 3700 to p[ut a $35 cap on insulin foprr those on Medicare
- AB 1816 Reentry Housing and Workforce Program and AB 1961 Statewide Affordable Housing Database.
Long-Term Support Services (LTSS) campaign
- SEIU 2015 is a leader
- $20/hour is the goal by Jan. 1 2025
- In-person get-together on Friday May 6 from 1p - 3p at Snow Park 19th/Harrison
- Judy
- I testified befor Assembly Human Services for AB1941 that would give SSI recipients a $600 grant whenever there is a budget surplus.
Nell Myhand, Poor Peoples Campaign - featured speaker
- Nell Myhand, 1 or 4 co-leaders of California Poor People’s Campaign
- Ms Nell before the PPC!
- https://www.reimaginerpe.org/19-1/arnold
- Please see the recording for Nell's presentation!
- RSVP for May 16 LA Tour stop https://actionnetwork.org/events/june-18th-mobilization-tour-comes-to-california/
- Help CA PPC as a volunteer - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebvuRdxhLQi4x2qGdmjo1MuCxLRy0NPGZ_uvLrsbsb9DAvZw/viewform?usp=sf_link
- Faye Wilson
- Environmental Justice & Action
- Faye Wilson Kennedy, co-chair of CA PPC, Spotlight: Faye Wilson Kennedy - Social Justice PolitiCorpshttps://www.socialjusticesac.org › post › spotlight-faye-...
- Jan 21, 2021 — I engage in social justice organizing to call out and try dismantling white supremacy in Sacramento, in California and at the international ...
- Shannon Rivers is a member of the Akimel O'otham (River People), he was born and raised on the Gila River Indian Community located in southwest Arizona . See another video clip here:
- Shannon Rivers- Indigenous People's Rights, the ... - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com › watch
- 5:36 - Shannon Rivers of the Akimel O'otham tribe talks about the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, the Declaration of the ...
- YouTube · The NOWMAN Show on The Arroyo Channel · Jul 31, 2018
- H.Res.438 - Third Reconstruction: Fully addressing poverty and low wages from the bottom up.
- Mobilization toolkit
- AB 1816
- Re-entry and employment program for people coming out of prison
- AB 1961
- Set up a statewide database for affordable housing
- AB 1941
- It would give people on SSI the $600 stimulus whenever the state has a surplus
- Nancy Stevens
- AB 2546
- Gone through both committees so far
13:39:47 From Hannah to Betsy Morris(Direct Message):
I’m happy to give an update on the contract and announce the gathering. I have to leave at 3
13:40:25 From Raines to Everyone:
Residents United Network: https://www.housingca.org/our-work/run/
13:40:45 From Raines to Everyone:
SB3700 insulin price cap in California
13:41:49 From Raines to Everyone:
All over US, actually
13:42:12 From Raines to Everyone:
202-224-3121 switchboard
13:42:25 From Judy Jackson to Everyone:
AB 1816 Reentry Housing and Workforce Program and AB 1961 Statewide Affordable Housing Database.
13:44:02 From Carol Crooks - Team Justice - she/her to Everyone:
202-224-3121 Capitol Switchboard - please call in support of Senate bill 3700 to p[ut a $35 cap on insulin foprr those on Medicare
13:44:55 From Betsy Morris to Hannah(Direct Message):
Long Term Supports and Services for All Coalition. ltss4all Hannah Karpilow is our GP liaison
13:47:08 From Judy Jackson to Everyone:
Living wage for CA is $27/hr
13:47:50 From Helen Abel to Everyone:
Thanks Judy. $7 an hour is ridiculous.
13:49:12 From Judy Jackson to Everyone:
Alameda and LA counties are the first to try for $20
13:50:06 From Carol Crooks - Team Justice - she/her to Everyone:
13:50:39 From Hannah to Everyone:
In-person get-together on Friday May 6 from 1p - 3p at Snow Park 19th/Harrison
13:52:46 From Judy Jackson to Everyone:
I testified befor Assembly Human Services for AB1941 that would give SSI recipients a $600 grant whenever there is a budget surplus.
13:54:43 From IF to Everyone:
IF = Isis Feral
13:58:53 From Betsy Morris to Everyone:
Nell Myhand, 1 or 4 co-leaders of California Poor People’s Campaign
14:00:40 From Betsy Morris to Everyone:
14:01:04 From Betsy Morris to Everyone:
Ms Nell before the PPC!
14:07:52 From Betsy Morris to Raines(Direct Message):
can you text helen a link?
14:25:01 From Angeles Gottheil to Everyone:
There used to be salmon in sausal creek, swimming through Oakland. We can restore that!
14:27:28 From First Church Berkeley to Everyone:
Amen Angeles🙌 Yes We can restore the salmon in sausal creek
14:29:55 From CA PPC Tech to Everyone:
RSVP for May 16 LA Tour stop https://actionnetwork.org/events/june-18th-mobilization-tour-comes-to-california/
14:31:08 From CA PPC Tech to Everyone:
Help CA PPC as a volunteer - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebvuRdxhLQi4x2qGdmjo1MuCxLRy0NPGZ_uvLrsbsb9DAvZw/viewform?usp=sf_link
14:35:44 From Margot Smith to Everyone:
The sound it going in and out
14:36:15 From Betsy Morris to Everyone:
Nell is the sound cuts on the original video?
14:38:20 From Helen Abel to Everyone:
Thanks everyone. I need to go. Will listen to the recording for the rest of the meeting.
14:38:39 From CA PPC Tech to Everyone:
Not sure.
14:38:50 From CA PPC Tech to Everyone:
Is the sound ok now?
14:39:34 From Raines to Everyone:
Sounding good here now
14:39:37 From Betsy Morris to Everyone:
Shannon Rivers is a member of the Akimel O'otham (River People), he was born and raised on the Gila River Indian Community located in southwest Arizona . See another video clip here:
Shannon Rivers- Indigenous People's Rights, the ... - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com › watch
Shannon Rivers of the Akimel O'otham tribe talks about the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, the Declaration of the ...
YouTube · The NOWMAN Show on The Arroyo Channel · Jul 31, 2018
14:41:57 From First Church Berkeley to Everyone:
I am loving all the history and information Thank you!
14:43:00 From Betsy Morris to Everyone:
Faye Wilson Kennedy, co-chair of CA PPC, Spotlight: Faye Wilson Kennedy - Social Justice PolitiCorpshttps://www.socialjusticesac.org › post › spotlight-faye-...
Jan 21, 2021 — I engage in social justice organizing to call out and try dismantling white supremacy in Sacramento, in California and at the international ...
14:43:50 From Betsy Morris to Nell Myhand (she/her) Ohlone land aka Oakland(Direct Message):
SOME OF us have visual impairment
14:45:53 From Betsy Morris to Nell Myhand (she/her) Ohlone land aka Oakland(Direct Message):
so you might repeat some of the material from Faye
14:50:50 From Nell Myhand (she/her) Ohlone land aka Oakland to Everyone:
THIRD RECONSTRUCTION RESOLUTION https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-resolution/438/cosponsors?r=1&s=6&q={%22search%22:[%22HRes+438%22],%22cosponsor-state%22:%22California%22}&searchResultViewType=expanded
14:54:22 From Nell Myhand (she/her) Ohlone land aka Oakland to Everyone:
14:56:44 From Eryn Blackwelder to Everyone:
Thank you all for letting me listen in! I’ve learned so much and will be joining you all again. Have a great day!
14:58:15 From Margot Smith to Everyone:
Housing costs are lower in Mississippi
15:00:47 From chimey lee to Everyone:
FNX channel 60.5 here in Bay Area is good source of history Indigenous peoples of America-chimey
15:02:02 From Hannah to Everyone:
I am going to try real hard to be at the LA action. I am going to be in LA then anyway
15:02:09 From Margot Smith to Everyone:
Would love to, but I’m too old and decrepit
15:02:40 From Hannah to Everyone:
So sorry I have to go now. Will try to catch Angeles on the recording
15:02:52 From Raines to Everyone:
Enjoying our speakers? Support gray panthers with your contributions: https://www.eastbaygraypanthers.org/donate
15:02:59 From chimey lee to Everyone:
I was born in DC in the 40's but too old to go now too-chimey
15:03:36 From Raines to Everyone:
Counting down….. 2 minutes on break. Stretch, everyone!
15:09:07 From Robert Magarian to Everyone:
What we need is more public housing.
15:10:01 From Margot Smith to Betsy Morris(Direct Message):
Is Raines ill? Hope he is ok…all the best.
15:16:38 From helen to Everyone:
Wow, I love what your doing!!!!!
15:16:44 From Betsy Morris to Margot Smith(Direct Message):
Thanks Margot, he’s fine, just decided to do alaundry.
15:18:04 From chimey lee to Everyone:
Where are these lots and tiny homes? In what area of Oakland??-thanks
15:23:56 From Angeles Gottheil to Everyone:
15:25:30 From IF to Everyone:
How do we get in touch with you, Angeles?
15:25:49 From Betsy Morris to Everyone:
15:26:18 From IF to Everyone:
Thanks, Betsy.
15:30:09 From Margot Smith to Everyone:
Thanks for a great program, must go. Many thanks.
15:35:51 From IF to Everyone:
Thank you, Angeles, and all! I'll be in touch....
15:36:21 From Angeles Gottheil to Everyone:
Thank you all!
15:36:35 From Angeles Gottheil to Everyone:
Yes please email or call me or text me 714-469-1497
15:38:58 From Angeles Gottheil to Everyone:
save coyote bush collective garden - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WvYBZ9-cQhxp8MUJNLsVm1gnCuiWF9GWYRQaH77lkcw/edit?usp=sharing
15:44:44 From helen to Everyone:
Hi Angeles! I absolutely love what you do.
15:50:35 From Pam White to Everyone:
This has been fantastic! So much info that needs to be continued.
15:50:49 From helen to Everyone:
Helen Walsh email: [email protected]
15:55:54 From Nancy Stevens to Everyone:
15:58:32 From Pam White to Everyone:
I would love to get more info on the BART meetings and housing
15:58:53 From Betsy Morris to Everyone:
let’s talk Pam.
15:59:31 From Pam White to Everyone:
Ballots are coming out from Alameda County by May 9th. Please vote.
16:00:44 From helen to Everyone:
Here you go Pam info about the cooridor projects and planning: https://bartberkeleyelcerritocap.participate.online/ there are a few more meetings and would be good if you go.
16:01:05 From IF to Everyone:
Much appreciation to all of you, especially for the hopeful inspiration from Angeles. I'll have to sign off shortly for another meeting.
16:01:42 From Betsy Morris to Everyone:
Iris - can you introduce yourself or come again! 4th wednesdays
16:03:41 From IF to Everyone:
I don't have a fast internet connection and can barely make Zoom work, so I'm limited to introducing myself in the chat. But I'll be back for another meeting when I'm able. Isis
16:06:22 From Pam White to Everyone:
GREAT! I have meet with LWVBAE Presdient!
16:06:29 From Pam White to Everyone:
Love this. Thank you
16:07:50 From Nancy Stevens to Everyone:
This is great info! I regret not being here from the beginning. Thank you!!!
16:10:39 From Angeles Gottheil to Everyone:
This is where I will post the meeting notes - https://www.eastbaygraypanthers.org/generalmeetings
16:11:14 From Angeles Gottheil to Everyone:
save coyote bush collective garden - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WvYBZ9-cQhxp8MUJNLsVm1gnCuiWF9GWYRQaH77lkcw/edit?usp=sharing
16:19:58 From maria sol to Everyone:
How does one suggest something for conversation???
16:20:27 From Angeles Gottheil to Everyone:
Go for it Maria sol!
16:20:44 From Angeles Gottheil to Everyone:
you can suggest here, or wherever
Angeles Gottheil published Website Meeting - April 20, 2022 in Board Meetings 2022-04-20 14:57:05 -0700
Website Meeting - April 20, 2022
Website (Nation Builder) updates and discussion:
- Update splash page - upcoming speaker meeting, out of date?
- font is small - make bigger
- Member actions
- Which pages can they update?
- Campaign blog pages?
- Calendar - adding events
- User actions
- can anyone be allowed to post to a blog page, even if they are not a member?
- can users subscribe?
- create specific blog pages for Issues/Campaigns
- digest - with links
- email people according to interests
- New Permission sets?
- need to upgrade/pay for more permission sets
- Staff and Admin are current sets
- Supporter v. Prospect (Nation Builder categories)
- supporter means they've given us their email and are willing to receive messages
- "Join"
- Member - our current version, lowest cost subscription doesn't have
- list of membership fees and expirations - handles renewals of dues, emailing members to renew
- right now we have to track their membership separately, payment by payment
- Finance page
- can see transactions
- can manually enter expenses
- supporter means they've given us their email and are willing to receive messages
- Website updates
- Participate - move subpages Join, Volunteer, Get In Touch underneath
- Join - add questions about their interests, indicating what our issue areas
- which of these issues affects you the most now?
- what specific issues are you involved in? blank box
- best contact method and times to contact you personally? is it okay to call you on the phone or do you prefer email or text?
- accessibility needs
- add link to Membership form somewhere after they Join - revisit/redraft, and post it on the website for people to fill out
- create new Form page on website, redirected after they Join
- get email or flag when a new member Joins (Betsy asks for this!!)
- Join - add questions about their interests, indicating what our issue areas
- Meeting Notes - move under Events
- add recordings links
- use Tags to call out issues and link to notes in Newsletter/Digest
- add past annotated Meeting Notes and Invitations
- e.g. CANHR California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform lawyers and founder have spoken to Gray Panthers many times
- CANHR is a Resource, Partner, and part of Campaigns
- Resources v. Partners v. Issues
- Resources - across campaigns and some general resources
- static information
- affordable housing, mental health resources (211 sucks)
- where is the best information possible?
- connects to calendar
- Tag Resources and Calendar events with Issue/Campaign Tags
- Active v. potential campaigns
- Resources - across campaigns and some general resources
- Directory under Partners is automatically created based on Tags
- Raines - build database with Tags
- different Directories for different categories
- Participate - move subpages Join, Volunteer, Get In Touch underneath
- Hannah
- Doesn't intend to be an admin
- LTS for All campaign liaison
- Do you want to be able to add calendar items? Blog posts? not for now
- Issues tab
Issues v. Campaign v. Partnership - create new pages?
- Issues (higher level) >> Campaigns (sub-campaigns) - sometimes there are no active campaigns under issues
- Issues
- Health
- Housing
- homeless rights
- housing access
- decommodify land
- Transportation
- specifically for older adults and persons with disabilities
- Daveed needs to name a campaign
- David Blake is liaison for Public Voices for Transportation, focuses on getting bond measures
- David Blake - Pan-Disability Coalition ??? - ask David
- Disability Rights
- not necessarily ADA compliance enforcer
- Campaigns - membership endorses each campaign, has a liaison, limited in scope (with specific goals, timeline, actions); how do we define a campaign and when do we know it's active?
- Healthcare for All
- Healthcare for All Californians
- there's a coalition
- legislation pending
- Medicare for All
Long-term Support Services (LTSS) for All
- New page describing issues (Hannah could edit) - coming from grassroots rather than professional level
- Link to calendar with events
- Relatively new organization, everybody in the coalition has their own website
- 3-parts
- IHSS Time for 20
- Long-term Social Insurance Program
- Build Back Better - in Congress, House passed, trying to get Senate to agree
Nursing Home Accountability
- CANHR is a Resource, Partner, and part of Campaigns
- National Gray Panthers nursing home campaign
- SF chapter communicates with Betsy
- we are part of Senior Housing Subcommittee - one of members wrote a gray paper
- Disability Rights - no campaign, issue area
- Disability Rights California
- Senior Disability Action
- Hand to Hand Domestic Employers Network
- Bill in Congress that would decrease the cost of insulin
- part of National Council of Gray Panthers Network
- Healthcare for All Californians
- Housing for All
Save Coyote Bush Collective Garden - formally request endorsement as active campaign
- AG becomes liaison
- add to blog
- post events
- Partners
- Landless Peoples Alliance
- Daveed supports
- mental health
- Betsy gets emails about mental health events
- link to someone else's page
- invite guest experts or guest activists to use blog space
- Friends of Adeline
- Wood St. Commons
- Landless Peoples Alliance
Save Coyote Bush Collective Garden - formally request endorsement as active campaign
- Transportation
- Daveed can write a blog on transportation
- Healthcare for All
- Partners
- CARA - partner on all levels
- there are some campaigns they're not as active on
- EBGP is a member of CARA - due-paying
- meeting Tuesdays
- lobby days
- senior get out the vote
- USOAC - haven't paid dues since the first year
- Association Members - change/edit to Membership or Organizational Memberships (maybe include $ annual fee)
- attend their regular meetings and join their campaigns when appropriate
- pay dues
- provide trainings usually
- Gray Panthers chapters
- Gray Panthers Portland
- anti-gun campaign
- wants to boycott Walmart
- not an active issue or campaign, but can add referrals to other Panther chapters
- link to list of all Gray Panthers chapters - Randy from National Council may have this
- Gray Panthers Portland
- CARA - partner on all levels
- Issues
- About
- add long history
- principles - discuss in board meeting - HEALTH is our core main focus related to all issues
- anti-racist - define as a group
- anti-agist
- anti-ableist
- anti-capitalist
- intersectionality
- feminist
- democratic
- organizational goals - talk with board and membership
- housing
- de-commodification of land
- rent-free housing
- disability rights - get specific
- equal rights - get specific
- housing
- add Articles, Bylaws, 501(c)(3) letter, code of conduct
- add Code of Conduct under Meetings/Events page
- edit content in About page to include Issues list - links to campaigns
- Campaigns (new high level page) - subpages for each campaign
- Resources
- we don't have a newsletter because we don't have a newsletter editor
- include links to events and just include headlines
- used to be monthly newsletter and monthly flyers with announcements
Angeles Gottheil published Board Meeting - April 13, 2022 in Board Meetings 2022-04-20 13:01:14 -0700
Board Meeting - April 13, 2022
Start time 15:15
Maria Sol
Helen and Raines can't attend1. Checkins
2. Officer reports/ business
Minutes of last meetings approval - secretary
- David moved and Daveed seconded motion to approve meeting minutes from Jan. 12th
- Unanimous approval
- Treasurer
- Finances available via the website's dashboard - need to be logged in
- Speaker Meetings april and may
3. Current Campaign Updates and Announcements
POOR Campaign - 3 speakers tomorrow at the policy meeting 12-1pm - contact Carol for link to join
Gray Panthers general meeting - April 27th fourth Wednesday of every month
Angeles speaker suggestion - talk about composting toilets and demystify sewage - Private equity firms buying up housing developments (Betsy)
- Skylark, in Larkspur - housing full of seniors and people on fixed income
405 units in Skylark building in Marin
Purchased by Prime Portfolio - John Atwood CEO, headquarters in SF
bought for 300M, 660K per unit
Immediately started raising rents
Skylark leaders are getting a lot out of Gray Panthers support -
Oakland and Berkeley have had grassroots groups raising this issue - some local and state legislation is aimed at controlling through taxation
Gray Panthers nationally are looking into equity funds
Social Housing Coalition - East Bay DSA - state initiative to take properties off the market
Statewide TOPA bill -
Coyote Bush Collective Garden (Angeles) - sold at county tax auction for 274K, new buyer Sanjay Khanna wants to make money and asked what we could offer for him to profit. We offered a potential tax break. He's talking to his CPA and will let us know
Rental Assistance (Daveed) -
The state did not keep their word on the rental assistance - it was a rip-off, criminal
- Daveed got only 5 months of rental assistance, and they lied to us
We need to work with Tenants Together
- City of Berkeley is more interested in building construction than accessibility
- Maria Sol
- Distributing food almost every day
- Still looking to be of value to the community - challenge of urban camping
- Searching for gas money to get to the doctors and distribute food
- 2nd St. in Berkeley - RVs have relocated there on a dirt road
- Senior centers - have they been helpful? Maria Sol has not tried yet, her mobility is limited and her health is an issue as well - please reach out if you can help
Hannah - LTSS for All
- 3 programs
- LTSS insurance program
- Build Back Better
- Time for 20 (HIH campaign) - rally yesterday, Carol, Robert, and Betsy were there
- Call-in campaign continues - call early and often
- https://secure.everyaction.com/pkRO-VqrX0iXNJ3t57HRXA2
- 3 programs
- TOPA requests for endorsements (Betsy) - hearing in Sacramento is on April 19th (Betsy)
Board Communications - what's working what's not in our communications with each other?
- David - searching for Gray Panthers emails
6. Set next Board meeting - ??
5pm Adjourn (Angeles left, stopped taking notes at 4:30pm)
Minutes of last meetings approval - secretary
Angeles Gottheil published Board Meeting - January 12, 2022 in Board Meetings 2022-04-13 14:13:57 -0700
Board Meeting - January 12, 2022
Board meeting - January 12, 2022
Begin: 13:45 via Zoom
Betsy Morris
Raines Cohen
Daveed Mandell
Robert Magarian
Carol Crooks
Marcia Kimmel, visitor member from Redwood Gardens and National Alliance of HUD Tenants
David Blake
Angeles Gottheil
Margot Smith joined at 14:14
Michael Ruchlis joined at 14:30
Not Present: Maria, Gary. Board Emerita: Margot Smith. Member: Marcia Kimmler from Redwood Gardens.Marcia - Member Report:
Marcia Kimmell, from Redwood Gardens reports Tenants Association are still short-staffed, and had been working together with new management, FPI, a Folsom based company. Then they and presumably Harriet Tubman Terrace received word another property management company: JR Stewart, or JRS, which manages many properties in Berkeley and around the county. Marcia is also now an elected Board Member of National Alliance of HUD Tenants for this part of the country (SF East Bay).
John Stewart Company has a good reputation as property management company - when people talk about the good ol' days of Redwood Gardens it's because of JSC - John Stewart was a Quaker
- Betsy - People at Harriet Tubman community had negative experiences with the John Stewart Company
Emergency preparedness project at Redwood Gardens has been shelved until they make a connection with people on 2nd and 3rd floors who are handicapped and are going to need help if there is an emergency
Marcia talked to chair of tenants association at Strawberry Creek Lodge and she's open to collaboration, exchanging information, regarding SAHA - Eileen sent email, Raines forwarded on Jan. 10th about Harriet Tubman Terrace and issues with housing
- Housing subcommittee can determine how we can help as GP
Betsy - Executive Committee Report:
- Membership Report (Betsy) As of today, we have 23 current members current (voting) on dues. Some expire this month. Another 15 former who’s dues expired since 2020. Note we have 388 emails in our database, 13 without email; and 376 other contacts We also have over 500 Facebook members willing to receive our Facebook posts. (overlap is 45 people.
Robert - Treasurer Report:-
Mechanics Bank checking balance: $4320.49.
- Savings Account Balance: $745.70
No income or new members/renewals since November 30.
Income - 1/3 of members pay $15/yr, 1/3 of members pay $35/yr, and some pay more than minimum
ANNUAL Organizational Memberships by Berkeley East Bay Gray Panthers
$50 CARA/Alameda county chapter, org membership (based on size of membership)
$35 NAACP (national and Berkeley chapter) membership
$75 NAHT National Alliance of HUD Tenants, organizational associate
Associate non-voting members - anyone can participate at any of the meetings but we can't vote, Michael Cane is a contact
4 or 5 tenant councils in Berkeley that are/have been NAT members
Trainings once a year at the convention are great (Betsy)$75 EBHO, East Bay Housing Organizations, membership
Monthly or bimonthly conversations with owners/developers of affordable housing in Berkeley
Allows us to get endorsements for support for unhoused community
We can bring up issues related to oversight of HUD housing managers
Next meeting is this Friday 9:30 on zoom (ask Betsy)$100 National Council of Gray Panther Networks
Nation Builder - website, membership management
Pay ~5% per transaction for donations received
$468/year - Raines requesting reimbursement for $468/year
Pay ~5% per transaction for donations received
David moves to approve the expenditure/reimbursement
Daveed seconds
Passes unanimously - Robert Magarian moves to join Senior Disability Action, a new membership
BUDGET PROPOSAL and Check Requests:
- Last January the Board approved a total of $500 for current and continuing organizational memberships and contributions.
- DECISION: Motion proposed to approve $500 total in our 2022 budget for Group Affiliations/Org Membership Dues: Moved by ________; seconded by : Unanimous approval.
DECISION: We will budget $480 for the year for use of Raines’ NationBuilder platform for our EBGP website, database of supporters, email, donations, and online calendar: This is $39/month for 12 months = $480.00 (to be reimbursed to Raines Cohen, on a regular basis.
Proposal draft To seek an intern or person to assist with Secretary duties, and Membership Coordination and Website/Research and to budget an amount for them. Written proposal edited and discussed at length. - The issue of a budget for outside recruitment was set aside.
Secretary Nomination:
- DECISION : the nomination of Angeles Gottheil as Secretary of the Board. Secretary duties will be clarified, but covers at least taking/maintaining approved minutes of Board meetings and its decisions, and keeping membership records.
- Moved by Helen, and seconded by Michael Ruchlis, unanimously approved
- Betsy is sending out job description
- Helen - we're asking for a lot of tasks, important, and the job needs to be taken seriously
- David doesn't like the word intern
- Allocating a couple thousand dollars to hire an intern to help with board minutes, decision logs, etc.
- $3,300 unallocated
- How much of that do we want to allocate to internship?
- Raines - with in-person membership we can raise more funds
- Determine specific list of what needs to be done, for stipend
Robert Magarian - update on guaranteed healthcare for all Californians
Angeles had to leave at 15:34 but meeting continued
Betsy continued taking notes until the end of the meeting (notes incorporated above)
Marcia Kimmell, from Redwood Gardens reports Tenants Association are still short-staffed, and had been working together with new management, FPI, a Folsom based company. Then they and presumably Harriet Tubman Terrace received word another property management company: JR Stewart, or JRS, which manages many properties in Berkeley and around the county. Marcia is also now an elected Board Member of National Alliance of HUD Tenants for this part of the country (SF East Bay).
Board Meetings
Website Meeting - April 20, 2022
Posted by Angeles Gottheil · April 20, 2022 2:57 PMBoard Meeting - April 13, 2022
Posted by Angeles Gottheil · April 20, 2022 1:01 PMBoard Meeting - January 12, 2022
See all posts
Posted by Angeles Gottheil · January 12, 2022 2:13 PM
Angeles Gottheil published Speaker Meeting - January 26, 2022 in Speaker Meetings 2022-04-07 14:48:26 -0700
Speaker Meeting - January 26, 2022
East Bay Gray Panthers
General Meeting
January 26, 2022
Start time: 13:30
Betsy Morris
Judy Jackson
Raines Cohen
Angeles Gottheil
Pamela Price (guest speaker)
Carol Crooks
Robert Magarian
Daveed Mandel
Nancy Stevens
Nancy Scott
Marcia Kimmell
Rivka Polatnick
Adrianne Aron
Sylvia Chapman
Michael Ruchlis
Norma JF Harrison
Maria Sol
Helen Walsh
Tiombe Kambon
Tony Chapelle
Ms. Richie Smith
Michai Freeman
Arlene Hip
Carole Marasovic
Pamela Price (guest speaker)
What does D.A. do?
D.A. is elected and does not report to A.G., county supervisors, or any other body
40%+ of employee's in Alameda county court system worked at DA office - big link between offices
From beginning to end the D.A. is at the center of the decisions that get made in our criminal justice system - What types of crimes are going to be prioritized?
- Are we going to have alternative courts and restorative justice opportunities?
- D.A. also advocates at the state level, supporting or opposing legislation
Grand jury of Alameda County
- Anyone can file a claim
- Main role is to monitor the behavior of county officials, misuse of funds, etc.
- Staffed by D.A. office or county council
211 system - Helen Walsh
- Is the D.A. going to address accessibility of information in this age of the digital divide?
- Pamela - create interdisciplinary commissions to bring together people from the community to talk about the specific issues that we can work on in Alameda County
What can D.A. do to create access to land and housing?
- Pamela - Tell police to not destroy people's property or evict people from the places where they find sanctuary
- We have all this vacant land in Oakland - we are not going to incarcerate people because they are unhoused
- Overcome and cut through bureaucratic obstacles
- Safe vehicle parking (Betsy)
Nancy Stevens - calling in from a nursing facility where she gets the constant medical care that she needs
- What power does D.A. have to address staffing shortages at nursing facilities?
- Pamela - D.A. has the mandate to regulate these facilities in compliance with the law
- There is an opportunity for D.A. to put the resources that are available into the enforcement of the law
- essentialcaregiverscoalition.org
Probate court - NAACP, Berkeley chapter member
Nancy O'Malley started to bring forward grand jury but stalled
Need to hold grand jury to determine if there is mistreatment of Black/POC community in probate court
It's peoples bread and butter and no one currently wants to "cut off their bread"
Pamela - thinks he covered it very well -
Mr. Powell had to pay 750K to save his home
South Berkeley member - Lives near the Here/There camp site
- Member of Friends of Adeline
- Carol Morosovic (bad connection, couldn't take notes)
- Michai Freeman (bad connection, couldn't take notes)
- Regarding safety for people living in their vehicles- they're being stalked by police and residents and ticketed regularly
D.A. does have power to influence how people living in their vehicles are treated
D.A. is elected and does not report to A.G., county supervisors, or any other body
Speaker Meetings
Speaker Meeting - April 27, 2022
Posted by Angeles Gottheil · May 04, 2022 2:03 PMSpeaker Meeting - January 26, 2022
See all posts
Posted by Angeles Gottheil · January 26, 2022 2:48 PM
Angeles Gottheil