Join the Gray Panthers of Berkeley and the East Bay
Thanks for your interest in Gray Panthers of Berkeley-East Bay (aka East Bay Gray Panthers and Berkeley Gray Panthers).
JOIN - means entering your contact information where it will go into our general database of Supporters. You'll get occasional emails from [email protected] if you provide a valid address. If you only have a street address or phone number, feel free to enter that. Right now we have limited ability to keep up with you, but will try!
PRIVACY - We do not sell or share your information with other groups. We do sometimes forward messages from our state and regional partners.
COMMUNICATIONS - We usually email All Supporters once a week or a few times a month. You can unsubscribe and re-subscribe at any time. Please make sure to check your spam filter or give a call if you don't hear from us within a month after joining.
Anyone can check our Berkeley Gray Panthers Facebook page and also EVENTS on this website at any time.
ACCESSIBILITY: Please tell us if our message are readable or otherwise, how best to be accessible to you. Several of our Board members are especially experienced in this area.
REPLY - reaches our website mailbox only.
COMING in 2022 - ACTION ALERTS - We are considering ways to get a text-messaging number or list-serve just for urgent matters - especially useful for folks with phones but no regular email access. The Board needs a volunteer to help with this and to update several parts of our website. Get in touch if you are interested to learn more.
DONATIONS - We are fully self-supporting at this time, please give as you can.
DUES/MEMBERSHIP - Members are supporters who contribute at least $35 a year ($15 if low-income). That entitles you to run for, nominate, and vote for the Board of Directors, and other matters in our bylaws. Voting Members get priority emails directly from the Executive Committee.
Click on the DONATE button to give securely by credit card, or mail a check to
Gray Panthers Berkeley East Bay
POB 1126
C/O Robert Magarian, Treasurer,
Berkeley, CA 94701VOLUNTEERING/COMMENTS -- Please go to the Volunteer page to learn more about being volunteer opportunities or getting more involved in issue teams. Tell us more about yourself helpfuli skills, and what you are most passionate about.
Thank you, again, on behalf of Gray Panthers past and present!
Mental Health Resources in Berkeley and Alameda County
Click on this window to see more ...City of Berkeley Dept. of Mental HealthMay 25 Online Mental Health Forum 5:30 to 7:30pm REGISTERhttps://berkeleyca.gov/safety-health/mental-health/accessing-mental-health-services
- California Council on Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health - https://www.cdcr.ca.gov/ccjbh/ccjbh-news-and-events/
- Mental Health America Peer Services
- SAMHSA Resources for Families Coping with Mental and Substance Use Disorders
- SAMHSA Mental Health Treatment Works
- U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Protecting Youth Mental Health
- Local Organizations With Mental Health Expertise | MentalHealth.gov
PEERS Network
- Options for Recovery
February 23, 2022 Speaker Meeting and more News
Opening In honor of Black History Month – Songs and history of Paul Robeson, a world renowned singer, humanitarian ambassador. some excellent zoom links from SF Panthers and others. Please share a your notable Black History lessons and links by email or chat. History needs making year-round!
1:45 Essential Care Giver Coalition - history and legislative action
Guest Speakers Teresa Palmer, MD (SF Gray Panthers) and Nancy Stephens will share their personal stories and how they became activists with the Essential Caregivers Coalition. They are working to end the forced isolation of residents from family and friends in nursing homes and long-term care facilities under COVID lockdowns or future pandemics. They will discuss HR3733 The Essential Caregivers Act, currently stuck in Congress and a companion bill California AB2546, just introduced and still being edited. -
3:10 3. Member/Chapter Announcements
- June 22 - Poor People’s Campaign is planning a March on Washington, June 2022 Plans are underway for events in 48 states. – Liaison Carol Crooks. z
- March 2 6pm – Proposal for Senior Shelter in Berkeley will discussed by Berkeley Panel of Expert on Homelessness for Prop P funding. Liaison: Betsy Morris for Carol Marasovic
- Other announcements from the floor and discussion.
- Wednesday, March 23, 2022 - Next EBGP Speaker Meeting – topic TBA
3:30 AdjournExtended time for socializing and discussion until 4pm
Go to www.eastbaygraypanthers for calendar updates, to sign up, join, and donate!
Opening In honor of Black History Month – Songs and history of Paul Robeson, a world renowned singer, humanitarian ambassador. some excellent zoom links from SF Panthers and others. Please share a your notable Black History lessons and links by email or chat. History needs making year-round!
Betsy Morris

Principal/Partner, Planning Sustainable Communities. Growing creative, cooperative and info-rich neighborhoods for living and working