Gray Panthers of Berkeley and the East Bay gather most (not all) Wednesdays at 1:30 by phone or Zoom.
Most gatherings are open to all, particularly anyone interested in the issues we care about.
Today's Guest: Steve Katz, Peoples Party National - reaching out to Gray Panthers in solidarity. Zoom info below, or just hit this button to connect

Member updates today may include:
- YSA Youth Empowerment Tiny Home Village Grand Opening - Panthers were there!
- Updates from Harriet Tubman, Redwood Gardens, Strawberry Creek senior communities
- State of Berkeley Commissions - and Commission on Aging - Carole Marosovic.
- GP state and national coalitions: California Master Plan on Aging; California state coalition - lobbying campaign for Long-term In Home and Community Support Services
- Portland Gray Panthers - Lew Church (unconfirmed)
Thanks - and save the date for April 28 when we will have our monthly Speaker Meeting with a focus on expanding Medicare/health care legislation and lobbying.
Plus perhaps a video: Moms on Magnolia Street (trailer)
Ask about our Campaigns and Endorsements in 2021
- Preserve and expand safe, accessible, very affordable senior housing
- Inclusive, Affordable, Universal Urban Planning and Design
- Healthcare and Long-Term In Home Support Services for All!
- Nursing Home Accountability in COVID
- Police Board Accountability/Berkeley Community Safety Committee
- Racial Justice/Black Lives Matter Solidarity
- Dark Money in Politics
- Stop the fast track elimination of Berkeley Citizen Commission
We learn from and work in solidarity and coalition with Black-Led Organizations and Disability Communities
Explore any links above to learn more about what we are doing (work in Progress) or Follow Berkeley-East Bay Gray Panthers on Facebook:
Your RSVP on this page is appreciated but not required. If you do RSVP we'll email a link with full access info for the call.
If you'd like to support our work, join or renew as a voting member of East Bay Gray Panthers, just click on the DONATE button above.
You are invited:
Meeting ID: 858 8494 3363 Passcode: 446231
+16699006833,,85884943363#,,,,,,0#,,446231# US (San Jose)