Berkeley City Council meeting (virtual)

Berkeley City Council: Support ParatransitCity of Berkeley logo

Tonight’s Berkeley City Council Meeting will have a Paratransit transportation item that District Two Council Member Terry Taplin, Panthers board member Helen Walsh, and others have been working on over the last several months. We hope community comes to tonights meeting and supports this item.


Tuesday, March 30, 2021 6:00 PM Item number 23

Council Consent Items

Discussion on East Bay Paratransit and the Transportation Needs of Berkeleyans with Disabilities

From: Councilmember Taplin (Author), Councilmember Bartlett (Co-Sponsor), Councilmember Harrison (Co-Sponsor), Councilmember Hahn (Co-Sponsor) Recommendation: Refer the Disability Commission and the Transportation Commission to hold a joint public discussion on the use, effectiveness, and accessibility of East Bay Paratransit as well as the transportation needs of the members of our community with disabilities and seniors, and return recommendations to Council.

Financial Implications: See report

Contact: Terry Taplin, Councilmember, District 2, (510) 981-7120

You can find the full Berkeley Council agenda for tonights meeting with the item at this link (PDF).

How to watch the meeting is here.

Zoom link:

To join by phone: Dial 1-669-900-6833 and enter Meeting ID: 966 4530 1465

March 30, 2021 at 6:00pm - 9pm
Wherever you are and can get online or dial in
City of Berkeley