Legislative/Organizing Priorities for the Trump era:
EBGP Speaker Meeting January 22 2025
what are YOUR priorities in 2025?
1:30 Welcome and Introductions to New Members and First-Timers. Music by Hali Hammer.
1:40 - FEATURED SPEAKERS - We kickoff 2025 with 2 experienced insiders' view of the California political landscape with a focus on why and how seniors and adults with disabilities may be affected and ways we can speak up.
HENE KELLY. Hene (right) is a vice president of the California Alliance of Retired Americans (CARA) serving as Legislative Director. She also serves on the American Federation of Teachers Retirement Committee and the San Francisco Labor Council. Hene Kelly is a vocal leader of demonstrations for Social Security, Medicare for All, labor and social justice issues, she's been called "the tennis shoe granny with a BULLHORN!" More about Hene.
ROB ENGLAND - please welcome CARA's NEW Executive Director! Rob (left) is long-time union activist, member and former Legislative Director of the Communications Workers of America, and the Central Labor Council of Kern, Inyo and Modoc Counties. Rob Medicare, pensions, Citizens United/corporate money in politics, and issues facing immigrant workers in California. See CARA's Legislative Agenda.
Plenty of Time for Q&A
2:45 PM Updates on current EBGP activities
- Tenants Rights and Social Housing Priorities with California Housing Now!
- Berkeley Safety and Disaster Plan and Environmental Justice Plan Project - Public Workshop Feb 1
- Coalition building with Ashby Village's Elder Action Network
Member Check-Ins; Priority Interests for Issues and Activities
- Announcements and Upcoming Activities - links via chat or on Gray Panthers calendar :
- Support for Public Toilets
- Chris Kindness Award
- People's Life Fund GRANT APPLICATIONS open
- Medical Aid in Dying
- Measure FF support letter
We formally adjourn at 3:30 but discussion keeps going until 4pm
Recordings and transcript will be below.
Chat Notes:
13:39:16 From Caitlyn Duffy to Everyone:
Great music video, Hali!
13:46:57 From Raines Cohen, EBGP Board to Everyone:
Tenants Together: https://www.tenantstogether.org
13:48:33 From Raines Cohen, EBGP Board to Everyone:
LTSS for all coalition:
13:49:41 From Hali Hammer to Everyone:
I Will Survive video:
13:57:31 From Raines Cohen, EBGP Board to Betsy Morris, Co-Convenor (direct message):
Send this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85884943363?pwd=aW9yZkRpNE44SjNpZVBDbm9CQXdKQT09#success
13:59:46 From Raines Cohen, EBGP Board to Everyone:
If you have questions please type them in the chat or hold on for after Hene speaks. Thanks!
14:02:36 From Hali Hammer to Everyone:
l'll be back after the other meeting...
14:14:49 From Betsy Morris, Co-Convenor to Everyone:
for new participants, This is Hene Kelly from San Francisco CAT, legislative chair of CARA for california alliance of retired Americans.
14:27:03 From Caitlyn Duffy to Everyone:
How do you join the lobbying effort both at the state and national level?
14:28:31 From Raines Cohen, EBGP Board to Everyone:
CARA virtual lobby day: May 7 (we will add to panthers calendar)
14:29:42 From Raines Cohen, EBGP Board to Everyone:
A question submitted with an RSVP: Priority . . . matter of national security . . . Note: the 4th amendment is routinely violated at every airport & for absolutely NO excuse whatsoever . . .
are you at all concerned
14:33:39 From Arlene Hipp to Everyone:
And privatization of many of our resources
14:34:09 From Rob England, CARA to Everyone:
Please register for our Forum this Friday on the National Legislative Focus https://bit.ly/Fight2ProtectBenefits
14:34:38 From Arlene Hipp to Everyone:
Thank you.
14:35:16 From Arlene Hipp to Everyone:
Also, the reduction of social service budget and benefits
14:35:24 From maria sol, EBGP Board to Everyone:
Legislating "law..."...
Then "enforcement..."...???
Real Suggestion (Question...)...
Collaborate/Seek Exposure/Support (...) from
Ralph Nader...(???)