CARA:Alameda County Community Action Team

California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA)California Alliance for Retired Americans

Alameda County Community Action Team

February 2021 CAT Agenda 

Gray Panthers of Berkeley is a CARA member, so our members are welcome at CARA CAT gatherings. RSVP here for Zoom link and dial-in details.

Welcome and Introductions 

o Introductions and wellness check 

o Notetaker for meeting 

o Review notes from last meeting (if available) 

o Central Labor Council report (if available) 

o Local CAT Activities updates 

Special Welcome/Guest Speaker(s) (if appropriate) 

Getting Ready for 2021  

  1. Outreach to CAT members and others – getting others to join us in 2021 a. Time to renew memberships – individual and organizational 
  2. Review list of affiliates in area – who will call and follow up 
  3. Outreach to new groups – who and how (make a list and assign volunteers) 
  4. CA Improved Medicare for All Campaign 
  5. Feb. 5th Forum at Noon:  
  6. Discussion and questions 
  7. Petition to Governor Newsom: d. Feb. 6th CARAvans for MFA - :.
  8. Bill in Congress to make waivers easier -Ro Khanna 
  9. How do we promote MFA in our CAT area? 
  10. Legislation/Other issues 
  • Master Plan on Aging 

o LTSS for All Survey by Hand in Hand 

  • Climate Change and Seniors: Feb. 19th
  • CARA Lobby Day May 21st
  • Save the US Postal service :
  • Other issues 


Adjourn – 

May 11, 2021 at 10:00am - 12pm
Your home via Zoom
California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA) · 510-663-4086

Will you come?