Our allies with the California Alliance of Retired Americans (CARA) are planning a series of FORUMS on Fridays, beginning on Feb. 5th at NOON PST to engage our members and friends on the key issues we will be working on over the next year.
Some of these FORUMS will be policy focused, some more performance oriented, and some skills-building.
All of these forums will be held at NOON PST and will be held via ZOOM and Teleconference.
All events will have an organizing focus and share opportunities to TAKE ACTION. And each one will have some element of fun and surprise.
You must register in advance for these events. You can register for one, two, or all of them. You will be sent a link for the Forum upon registration. We are proud to announce the first 3 Fabulous Forums.
Many CARA members met Berkeley native, performer/author and longtime activist Josh Kornbluth at our 2019 Convention in Sacramento, where he shared some of the videos that he developed while interning with the UCSF Global Brain Institute. Josh performs autobiographical monologues around the world, and has recently completed his latest monologue, called Citizen Brain, based on his work at UCSF.
Josh Kornbluth began his fellowship at the Global Brain Institute just as Donald Trump was being inaugurated in 2016. While there, he drew a connection between dementia and the collective breakdown in communication across the political divide. At the same time, UCSF discovered a circuit in the brain, an empathy circuit. You can learn about this circuit through a funny, smart performance of Citizen Brain by Josh Kornbluth. For more information about Josh and his show go to: https://www.citizenbrain.org