Gray Panthers of Berkeley and the East Bay
Board Meeting at 3 PM
Planning campaigns and activities for the month ahead
Convene 3pm; Note-taker needed!
1. Officer Reports
- Approve agenda and minutes (January)
- Treasurer - Robert
- Recent Communications - Raines & Betsy (see end of agenda for details)
- Update on CARA - Robert (next meeting is 9am Tuesday, July 13)
2. July 13 - CARE IS ESSENTIAL- DAY of ACTION in Oakland - Robert & Raines
- Tuesday July 13, 10:30AM, Frank Ogawa Plaza - Rally for Long Term In Home Support and Services with SEIU, SF Panthers, CARA, and Hand in Hand Domestic Employers Network
3. July 25 Berkeley Solano Sip and Stroll 1PM --- Raines
Volunteers for mailing and staffing
4. Senior Housing - Amistad House Fire Alarm- Bernadette, Raines, Betsy
GP Response -
Guest: David Peaddie of Berkeley Disaster Preparedness Network - potential speaker for July?
******** TAKE A BREAK AT 4PM **************
5. Transportation - Draft GP Statement of Principles and Goals - Betsy
6. Voices for Public Transit Coalition Update and Recommendations - Dave Blake
7. Senior Housing - Harriet Tubman Terrace Update- Betsy
Draft Letter to Mayor/Council joint with NAACP
8. Homeless Support/Landless Peoples Alliance - Mike, Carol, Angeles
9. Other Senior Housing related Updates/next steps
- National Alliance of HUD Tenants Convention/Request for help
Federal Tenant Empowerment Act - TOPA -
- Other Housing reports
10. Potential Board of Directors - list of current voting members; proposal for emerita and ally status
**** Schedule -- In August Mtg - Open Nominations; September - Finalize names - October Elections ****
11. Discussion - Upcoming Gray Panthers Meetings
Status of Senior Centers - Lisa
- Rufus Brown - call for eviction and housing assistance help in Richmond
- an LA activist - interested in rejuvenating L.A. Panthers as a PAC
- Jan Bendor, NCGPN - advising not to talk to the L.A. guy
- Lew Church, Portland Gray Panthers Invitation to meet Friday July 16 at Oakland Airport
- Art Persyko, Elaine Bloom
- Daveed Mandell - invitation to join Bay Area wide Cross Disability Transportation Coalition and Paratransit Reform movement
Ask about our Campaigns and Endorsements in 2021
- Preserve and expand safe, accessible, very affordable senior housing
- Inclusive, Affordable, Universal Urban Planning and Design
- Healthcare and Long-Term In Home Support Services for All!
- Nursing Home Accountability in COVID
- Police Board Accountability/Berkeley Community Safety Committee
- Racial Justice/Black Lives Matter Solidarity
- Dark Money in Politics
- Stop the fast track elimination of Berkeley Citizen Commissions
We learn from and work in solidarity and coalition with Black-Led Organizations and Disability Communities
Explore any links above to learn more about what we are doing (work in Progress) or Follow Berkeley-East Bay Gray Panthers on Facebook:
Your RSVP on this page is appreciated but not required. If you do RSVP we'll email a link with full access info for the call.
If you'd like to support our work, join or renew as a voting member of East Bay Gray Panthers, just click on the DONATE button above.
You are invited:
Gray Panthers East Bay board meeting Wed 7/7 3 PM
Meeting ID: 858 8494 3363 Passcode: 446231
Meeting ID: 858 8494 3363 Passcode: 446231
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,85884943363#,,,,,,0#,,446231# US (San Jose)
+16699006833,,85884943363#,,,,,,0#,,446231# US (San Jose)
July 07, 2021 at 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Convener Betsy Morris
· 510-842-6224