Gray Panthers of Berkeley and the East Bay (aka EBGP) meets every Wednesday at 1:30 by phone or Zoom. This week, the 4th Wednesday, we have a speaker meeting featuring:
Support for affordable housing has never been higher, but a look under the hood tells us there are threats as well as opportunities. Join us for a deep dive into the realities of low-income housing for seniors and families in Berkeley.
Featured guests:
Berkeley Housing Authority Acting Director, Rachel Gonzales-Levine will share on the status of local rental assistance programs and projects.
Housing Economist and author, Murtaza Baxamusa, Research Director of the San Diego Building Trades Council will share his findings about corporate abuse of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit systems. He will also speak to what "social housing" means in Europe.
Thanks to the eagle eyes of members from Harriet Tubman, Redwood Gardens, BTU, and the Homeless Commission, we are learning that -
- People lucky enough to have rental assistance vouchers face rampant discrimination from private landlords, despite being guaranteed their full market rent.
- Housing communities intended for Section 8/subsidy rentals, such as Redwood Gardens and Harriet Tubman, are being legally exploited by their corporate out of town owners using California Low-Income Housing Tax Credits; they may also tear down.
- So far, we can find no one in local government with oversight for the safety and wellbeing of 400+ seniors and families at Harriet Tubman, Redwood Gardens, Oceanview Gardens, Savo Island Cooperative, and other "public housing" built on public land in the 1970s and 1980s.
- We need your help to change that!
Your announcements; upcoming events
ROLLING UPDATES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS as time permits or rolled over to Feb. 3 Meeting
- RCJR - Racial Profiling and Police Accountability Board - Carol Crooks and Michael Ruchlis
- Landless Peoples Alliance - Angeles Gottheil
- MTC Voices of Public Transportation Letter - Dave Black
- OPPOSE Fast Track Elimination of Berkeley Commissions, public hearing by Council Agenda Committee 3pm Feb. 1
- Campaign for MORE Resident Participation by National Alliance of HUD Tenants
- Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act Hearing, Jan 27, 5-7pm
- FOA - Right to Return, Berkeley Equity Summit and Roundtable of Black and Brown Voices - JAN 31, 7-9pm
- National Council of Gray Panthers Action Alerts and updates on Senior Housing and Nursing Home Accountability campaign
Adjourn 3:30; further connections 'til 4
Explore the links on this page to learn more about our many allies and campaigns we are part of.
Your RSVP on this page is appreciated but not required. If you do RSVP we'll email a link with full access info for the call.
You are invited:
Gray Panthers East Bay Weekly Zoom Meeting, Wednesdays 1:30-4pm
Meeting ID: 858 8494 3363 Passcode: 446231
Meeting ID: 858 8494 3363 Passcode: 446231
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,85884943363#,,,,,,0#,,446231# US (San Jose)
+16699006833,,85884943363#,,,,,,0#,,446231# US (San Jose)
January 27, 2021 at 1:30pm - 4pm
Convener Betsy Morris
· 510-842-6224