Join us at 1:30 for two special guests, and an overview of the opportunities and threats to affordable housing for seniors in Berkeley and Oakland. Help plan conversations with Barbara Lee and electeds to empower affordable housing tenants!
1:30 Welcomes!
Report back on actions taken in the last week by Panther members - policing; housing, homeless justice watch-dogs.
2PM Inside the Berkeley Activist Calendar - Featured speaker: Kelly Hammargren. A retired nurse, Kelly now is the ultimate watchdog, tracking all city council and commission meetings and key issues up for public input.
Q&A and Discussion
Reports from members and allies: affordable housing: Harriet Tubman Terrace and Redwood Gardens struggles with ownership and management changes, Oregon Park and Savo Island
Gray Panther planning team for visits with Electeds: Barbara Lee
3PM - Affordable Housing Financing 101 - long-time professional affordable housing expert, Donna Smithey, will discuss how corporate investors manipulate HUD housing contracts and the low-income housing tax credit systems. She can also share the details of a tenant buyout of live-work artists/makers compound in Oakland.
Gray Panthers of Berkeley and the East Bay (aka EBGP) meets every Wednesday at 1:30 by phone or Zoom.
Your announcements; upcoming events
Adjourn 3:30; further connections 'til 4
Explore the links on this page to learn more about our many allies and campaigns we are part of.
Your RSVP on this page is appreciated but not required. If you do RSVP we'll email a link with full access info for the call.
You are invited:
Meeting ID: 858 8494 3363 Passcode: 446231
+16699006833,,85884943363#,,,,,,0#,,446231# US (San Jose)